Wonders of America Cubebook

Wonders of America Cubebook

Автор: Elizabeth Heath
(4.11 от 18 гласа)

The true American identity is hard to define, as the nation has so many faces and moods. "America" is many places, and no one book of photographs can capture all its beauty and diversity. But the photos in this volume provide keen insight into the true character of the USA, as seen in its cities and towns, on its beaches and deserts, and in its forests and rivers. In these pages, we discover the America that has inspired centuries of human exploration and development, that has brought waves of immigrants to its shores in search of better lives, that has spawned passionate environmental movements, and that has forever held a place of fascination with people around the world.

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Kниги от същия жанр



Информация за книгата:

Автор: Elizabeth Heath
Издател: White Star
Категория: English Language Books , Photography , Travel
Година: 2011
Страници: 504
ISBN: 9788854405868
Баркод: 9788854405868
Тегло: 1.10 кг.
Размер: 16.50x16.50 см.



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