What We Dont Now About Love

What We Dont Now About Love

Автор: Milena Rodriguez
(3.30 от 10 гласа)

When it comes to LOVE, we are faced with a multitude of questions. The answers are different for everyone. One thing is for sure - love is not luck or a fortunate circumstance. It is not a gift of fate.

According to Milena Rodriguez, we are the ones responsible for our self-confidence. It is up to us to be admired and appreciated by members of the opposite sex, by our loved ones and our colleagues. Living happy, fulfilling lives depends on ourselves.

If you have recently broken up with a partner or are experiencing a crisis, this book will help you through it. Milena Rodriguez provides the answers you have been looking for. Her unusual psychological techniques and exercises help us shed the excess emotional baggage we carry in our psyche without even realizing it. The author offers a fresh look at this beautiful feeling called LOVE. Milena Rodriguez is a respected consultant in the field of successful relationships. She holds degrees in journalism and psychology. She gives lectures and provides consulting services to help people build happy relationships at home and at work. Her skillful approach encourages many people to work on establishing a better exchange with those important to them.

Информация за избраната книга

Информация за избраната книга

Информация за книгата:

Автор: Milena Rodriguez
Издател: Колибри
Година: 2015
ISBN: 9786191505333
Страници: 184
Тегло: 0.21 кг.



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