Treasure Island
The story grew out of a map that led to imaginary treasure, devised during a holiday in Scotland by Stevenson and his nephew. The tale is told by an adventurous boy, Jim Hawkins, who gets hold of treasure map and sets off with an adult crew in search of the buried treasure. Among the crew, however, is the treacherous Long John Silver who is determined to keep the treasure for himself. Stevensons first full-length work of fiction brought him immediate fame and continues to captivate readers of all ages.
Информация за книгата:
Издател: Penguin Books
English Language Books
World classic
Година: 1994
Страници: 240
ISBN: 9780140620832
Баркод: 9780140620832
Поредица: Penguin Popular Classic
Тегло: 0.14 кг.
Размер: 11.00x18.00 см.
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