Traditional Italian
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Think Italian cooking and think pastas, lean meats, seafood, fresh vegetables and cheeses where the flavours are full bodied and the food beautiful both to look at and to taste. This title features traditional recipes that can be used for dinner parties, as well as for everyday family meals.
Think Italian cooking and think pastas, lean meats, seafood, fresh vegetables and cheeses where the flavours are full bodied and the food beautiful both to look at and to taste. This is a winning combination in an ever-popular cuisine that looks back to the centuries-old traditions. Invigorate your repertoire with sensational recipes that are impressive for dinner parties as well as perfect for everyday family meals.
Kниги от същия жанр
Информация за книгата:
Издател: Bounty&Octopus Group
English Language Books
Food and drink
Година: 2006
Страници: 120
ISBN: 9781863965989
Баркод: 9781863965989
Поредица: The Australian Womens Weekly
Размер: 20.50x27.70 см.
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