To the Lighthouse

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To the Lighthouse

Автор: Virginia Woolf
(4.25 от 20 гласа)

This novel is an extraordinarily poignant evocation of a lost happiness that lives on in the memory. For years now, the Ramsays have spent every summer in their holiday home in Scotland, and they expect these summers will go on forever. In this, her most autobiographical novel, Virginia Woolf captures the intensity of childhood longing and delight, and the shifting complexity of adult relationships. From an acute awareness of transcience, she creates an enduring work of art. Author Biography Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) is now recognised as a major 20th century author, a great novelist and essayist, and a key figure in literary history as a feminist and modernist.

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Информация за книгата:

Автор: Virginia Woolf
Издател: Penguin Books
Категория: English Language Books , Fiction
Година: 2000
Страници: 320
ISBN: 9780141183411
Баркод: 9780141183411
Поредица: Modern Classics
Размер: 13.00x20.00 см.



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