The Torrents of Spring

The Torrents of Spring

Автор: Ernest Hemingway
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Subtitled "A Romantic Novel in Honour of the Passing of a Great Race", "The Torrents of Spring" - Hemingways second published work - wonderfully parodies the themes and styles of the great race of writers of his generation. Spring is coming to the small towns of Michigan, but the snow still covers the land when Scripps ONeil sets of for Chicago, decides to stop a while in Petoskey, and meets up with Yogi Johnson. Their bizarre stories are a brilliant satire on conventional fiction. The characters they meet are absurd and yet strangely familiar. Short, fast-paced, funny, "The Torrents of Spring" throws light on Hemingways later work - and is a delight to read.

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Kниги от същия жанр



Информация за книгата:

Автор: Ernest Hemingway
Издател: Arrow Books
Категория: English Language Books , Fiction
Година: 1998
Страници: 128
ISBN: 9780099909507
Баркод: 9780099909507
Тегло: 0.10 кг.
Размер: 11.00x18.00 см.



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