The Prodigal Mage

The Prodigal Mage

Автор: Karen Miller
(3.78 от 18 гласа)

The weather magic that holds the kingdom of Lur safe is failing, and the earth feels broken to those with the power to see. Among Lurs sorcerers only Asher has the skill to mend the antique weather map that governs the seasons, keeping the land from being crushed by natural forces. Yet when Asher risks his life to meddle with these dangerous magics, the crisis is merely delayed, not averted. Ashers son Rafel has inherited his fathers talents, but has been forbidden to use them. Many died in the last Mage War and these abilities arent to be loosed lightly into the world. But when Ashers last desperate attempt to repair the damage leaves him on this deathbed, Rafels powers may not be denied. For his countrymen are facing famine, devastation and a rift in the very fabric of their land.

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Kниги от същия жанр

Kниги от същия жанр



Информация за книгата:

Автор: Karen Miller
Издател: Orbit
Година: 2010
Страници: 560
ISBN: 9781841497488
Баркод: 9781841497488
Тегло: 0.38 кг.
Размер: 13.00x20.00 см.



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