The Pocket Wine Encyclopedia
"The Pocket Wine Encyclopedia" is a concise yet comprehensive guide that encourages everyone who enjoys a glass of wine to taste beyond their boundaries. In addition to describing the best wine-growing regions in the world, it contains information on how to serve, enjoy and store wine. It also describes how the style of winemaking and choice of grape varieties add to the overall pleasure of a wine. Written by an international team of experts, "The Pocket Wine Encyclopedia" features descriptions of every wine-growing country in the world and lists wines for every region with notes on style, flavour, bouquet, price range and compatible food choices. Detailed producer entries cover history, vineyard conditions, wine makers and best wines. You will find loads of expert wine information, more than 80 detailed maps of wine regions, and plenty of evocative images - all in an easy to carry format.
Kниги от същия жанр
Witch & Wizardпечатна: 13.90 лв. -
Sydneyпечатна: 11.00 лв. -
The Forty Rules of Loveпечатна: 19.90 лв. -
Universeпечатна: 6.00 лв. -
Divine Evilпечатна: 14.90 лв. -
Greta Garboпечатна: 15.95 лв. -
The Rough Guide Map Brusselsпечатна: 12.50 лв. -
The New Oriental Styleпечатна: 65.50 лв. -
1000 Years of World Architectureпечатна: 47.00 лв.
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