The Museum of Innocence

The Museum of Innocence

Автор: Orhan Pamuk
(4.00 от 17 гласа)

It is a perfect Spring in 1975, Istanbul. Kemal, heir to one of the town’s wealthiest families, is about to become engaged to Sibel, from another aristocratic family, when he encounters Fu"sun, a beautiful shopgirl, and a distant relation. As they break the taboo of virginity, a rift opens between Kemal and his lovingly described world of the westernized families of Istanbul with their opulent parties and clubs, society gossip, dining-room rituals, picnics, their mansions on the Bosphorus infused with the melancholy of decay. For nine years Kemal will find excuses to visit the other Istanbul, a house in the impoverished backstreets that Fu"sun shares with her parents, enjoying the consolations of middle-class life at a dinner table in front of the television. His love for his distant relative will take him to the seedy film circles of Istanbul, cheap bars, sad hotels, a society of small men with big dreams and bitter failures. It will make Kemal a compulsive collector of objects that chronicle his love story and his obsessive heart’s reactions: his anger and impatience, his remorse and humiliation, his miscalculated hopes of recovery, and his daydreams that transform his Istanbul into a city of signs and spectres of his beloved with whom he can only exchange meaning-laden glances, stolen kisses in cars, movie houses and park shadows. All that will remain to him, certainly and eternally, is the museum he creates, a map of a society’s rituals and mores, and of one man’s broken heart. A stirring exploration of the nature of romantic attachment, and of the mysterious allure of collecting, The Museum of Innocence plumbs the depths of an Istanbul half western

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Информация за книгата:

Автор: Orhan Pamuk
Издател: Faber And Faber
Категория: English Language Books , Fiction
Година: 2010
Страници: 727
ISBN: 9780571237029
Баркод: 9780571237012
Тегло: 0.50 кг.
Размер: 13.00x19.50 см.



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