The Canterbury Tales
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"The Canterbury Tales", compiled in the late fourteenth century, is an incisive portrait, infused with Chaucers wry wit and vibrant, poetical language. He evokes a spectrum of colourful characters, from the bawdy Wife of Bath to the gallant Knight, the fastidious Prioress and the burly, drunken Miller. As they wend their way from Southwark to Canterbury, tales are told to pass the time, and the stories are as diverse as the narrators, encompassing themes such as adultery, revenge, courtly love, lechery, avarice and penitence. As humorous today as when it was written over six centuries ago, "The Canterbury Tales" remains one of the most popular and enjoyable of the classic works of literature.
Kниги от същия жанр
Информация за книгата:
Издател: Penguin Books
English Language Books
World classic
Година: 1996
Страници: 352
ISBN: 9780141197746
Баркод: 9780141197746
Поредица: Penguin Popular Classic
Тегло: 0.20 кг.
Размер: 11.00x18.00 см.
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