The Art of War

The Art of War

Автор: Sun Tzu
(4.50 от 2 гласа)

Translated by Yuan Shibing and J.J.L.Duyvendak

With introductions by Robert Wilkinson

The two political classics in this book are the product of a time of intense turmoil in Chinese history. Dating from the Period of the Warring States (403-221BC), they anticipate Machiavellis The Prince by nearly 2000 years. The Art of War is the best known of a considerable body of Chinese works on the subject. It analyses the nature of war, and reveals how victory may be ensured. The Book of Lord Shang is a political treatise for the instruction of rulers. These texts are anything but armchair strategy or ivory-tower speculation. They are serious, urgent and practical responses to the desperate situations in which they were written. They have been immensely influential both inside and outside China.

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Информация за книгата:

Автор: Sun Tzu
Издател: Wordsworth
Категория: English Language Books , World classic
Страници: 256
ISBN: 9781853267796
Баркод: 9781853267796



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