For eight hundred years the Rigante have lived and died under the iron rule of the Varlish. One woman though still follows the path of the ancients and she knows that evil is on its way. Wyrd of the Wishing Tree Wood knows all hopes rest on the son of the Rigantes greatest enemy. Of the bloodline of Connavar the King, he will need to overcome generations of fear and hatred if he is to achieve his destiny. For he is a Varlish nobleman, and - worse - the son of the Rigantes greatest enemy...
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Информация за книгата:
Издател: Corgi Books
English Language Books
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
Година: 2002
Страници: 506
ISBN: 9780552146753
Баркод: 9780552146753
Тегло: 0.25 кг.
Размер: 11.00x18.00 см.
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