Mathematical Handbook
The main purpose of the book “Mathematical Handbook” is to present school Students, applying to Mathematical Colleges and Universities, candidates for SAT I and SAT II, Students of Mathematics, Computer sciences, Economics, Engineering, Physics and other sciences full information on mathematics concepts, formulas, graphs, axioms, theorems and tables.
Moreover, this book is helpful to those Students who go to mathematics exams and competitions, where they can easily express their own ideas and thoughts by solving mathematical problems.
“Mathematical handbook” is written according to the newest educational programs and textbooks of this subject all over the world.
We would like to thank of the reviewer Prof. Dr Sci Jordan Tabov and publisher - graduate engineer Stoyan Beev for their professional help and valuable advice.
Kниги от същия жанр
Кучешки времена: Революцията менте – 1989печатна: 14.00 лв. -
Послания от водата и Вселенатапечатна: 14.99 лв. -
Граматика на съвременния български езикпечатна: 14.00 лв. -
Практически корейски език - средно нивопечатна: 12.00 лв. -
Стъкленият замъкпечатна: 14.95 лв. -
Неоосманизмътпечатна: 10.00 лв. -
Речник на театърапечатна: 25.00 лв. -
Успех на изпита след 6. клас: Математикапечатна: 12.90 лв. -
Пепел от розипечатна: 14.99 лв.
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