Go Golf
This title shows you the fast track way to play great golf. Clear step-by-step instructions from the book are visually reinforced on the 30-minute DVD using 360-degree live-action footage and eye-catching freeze-frame graphics. This is the only book and DVD series of its kind to show you every aspect of playing golf from how to develop your swing to tackling basic shots. "Go Play Golf" will have you out on the course teeing off in no time!
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Информация за книгата:
Издател: Dorling Kindersley
English Language Books
Sport, Hobbies
Година: 2006
Страници: 160
ISBN: 9781405363204
Баркод: 9781405363204
Тегло: 0.38 кг.
Размер: 15.20x19.80 см.
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