Gentlemen & Players

Gentlemen & Players

Автор: Joanne Harris
(4.38 от 8 гласа)

The place is St Oswald’s, an old and long-established boys’ grammar school in the north of England. A new year has just begun, and for the staff and boys of the school, a wind of unwelcome change is blowing. Suits, paperwork and Information Technology rule the world and Roy Straitley, Latin master, eccentric, and veteran of St Oswald’s, is finally – reluctantly – contemplating retirement. But beneath the little rivalries, petty disputes and everyday crises of the school, a darker undercurrent stirs. And a bitter grudge, hidden and carefully nurtured for thirteen years, is about to erupt. Who is Mole, the mysterious insider, whose cruel practical jokes are gradually escalating towards violence – and perhaps, murder? And how can an old and half-forgotten scandal become the stone that brings down a giant?

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Информация за книгата:

Автор: Joanne Harris
Издател: Random House
Категория: English Language Books , Fiction
Година: 2006
Страници: 508
ISBN: 9780552773379
Баркод: 9780552773379



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