The scientist Victor Frankenstein, obsessed with possessing the secrets of life, creates a new being from the bodies of the dead. But his creature is a twisted, gruesome parody of a man who, rejected for his monstrous appearance, sets out to destroy his maker.
Mary Shelley's chilling Gothic tale, conceived after a nightmare in 1816 when she was only eighteen, became a modern myth. It is a disturbing and dramatic exploration of birth and death, creation and destruction, and one of the most iconic horror stories of all time.
Информация за книгата:
Издател: Penguin Books
English Language Books
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
Година: 2012
Страници: 288
ISBN: 9780141198965
Баркод: 9780141198965
Поредица: Penguin English Library
Тегло: 0.21 кг.
Размер: 13.00x20.00 см.
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