Cool Restaurants Prague
Since the fall of the Iron Curtain, Prague has once more taken its place on the world stage. Visitors flock there from around the world. With this influx has come an infusion of creativity and international influences. This new vibrance exists side-by-side with Prague’s many-layered architectural and culinary history. Feast your eyes on photographs of Prague’s hippest restaurants, and also enjoy a great selection of unique recipes.
Sabina Marreiros studied architecture in Stuttgart, Germany and C?rdoba, Argentina. She has worked in architectural firms and has edited several books in teNeues architecture & design series.
- A guide to the coolest restaurants in Prague
- Attractively designed with over 130 color photographs and excellent recipes interspersed throughout
Kниги от същия жанр
The Mayaпечатна: 27.50 лв. -
Middlemarchпечатна: 5.50 лв. -
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Winter Warriorsпечатна: 16.90 лв. -
The Classic Cocktail Bibleпечатна: 19.90 лв. -
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Stage Management and Theatre Administrationпечатна: 31.00 лв. -
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Информация за книгата:
Издател: teNeues
English Language Books
Страници: 136
ISBN: 9783832790684
Баркод: 9783832790684
Размер: 14.60x22.50 см.
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