Churchills Wit: The Definitive Collection

Churchills Wit: The Definitive Collection

Автор: Richard M. Langworth
(4.13 от 15 гласа)

Charismatic, erudite and often controversial Winton Churchill was one of the most inspiring leaders of the 20th century, and one of its greatest wits. His much-celebrated sense of fun and mischief has led to many of his jokes and ripostes becoming almost as well known as his famous wartime speeches. Gloriously definitive, Richard Langworth includes all Churchills most famous quips and witticisms, as well as little known asides and observations. The only book of its kind to be sanctioned by the Churchill estate, it captures the great statesman at his most eloquent, witty, and engaging, Churchills Wit celebrates the humour and humanity of this most imposing man.

My dear young man, thought is the most dangerous process known to man. I believe I am the only man in the world to have received the head of a nation naked. [A politician] is asked to stand, he wants to sit and he is expected to lie. -Winston, you are drunk, and whats more you are disgustingly drunk. -Bessie, my dear, you are ugly, and whats more, you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be disgustingly ugly.

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Kниги от същия жанр

Kниги от същия жанр



Информация за книгата:

Автор: Richard M. Langworth
Издател: Ebury Press
Категория: English Language Books
Година: 2009
Страници: 256
ISBN: 9780091918552
Баркод: 9780091918552
Тегло: 0.27 кг.
Размер: 11.00x18.00 см.



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