Castles of the world

Castles of the world

(4.11 от 9 гласа)

Whether polished retreats set in the green carpet of the countryside or rough-cast fortresses perched atop unassailable crags, the castles of the world with their extravagant architecture, enormous parks, richly furnished rooms, turbulent histories and aura of legend and mystery are still landmarks of geography and the collective imagination. Leafing through the pages of this book, dwelling on the superb photographs and comprehensive descriptions is like making personal visits to all of the world’s most important and fascinating castles, moving beyond battlemented walls, down narrow spiral stairs, through ancient chambers, and dusty libraries rich in treasures. . . . This handsome volume is a journey through triumph and tragedy, through splendor and misery and misery into the beating heart of history.

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57.90 лв.

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Kниги от същия жанр

Kниги от същия жанр



Информация за книгата:

Издател: White Star
Категория: English Language Books , Travel
Година: 2005
Страници: 272
ISBN: 9788854400979
Баркод: 9788854400979



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