These pages hold the key to the world of the renowned Bulgarian writer Yordan Yovkov. He recreated it truthfully, in the way he saw it, and in his own colours.
Let it also become your world, which you will recreate with your own colours and by your own experience.
Alvena was the name, by which people called this beautiful corner of the Bulgarian land where the steppe calms down between the sea and the mountains. The modern Albena resort cuddles affectionately this treasure of virgin grass, high trees and golden sands: a world of light and wind, reminding us of the world in which Yordan Yovkov`s poeticj characters live on...
Anton Donchev
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Информация за книгата:
Издател: Захарий Стоянов
English Language Books
Година: 2011
Страници: 372
ISBN: 9789540906539
Баркод: 9789540906539
Тегло: 0.48 кг.
Размер: 14.00x21.00 см.
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