Africa flying high
The savannahs of the Rift Valley, the rainy mountains of Rwanda, the impenetrable jungles of the Congo, isolated villages, the infinite Sahara Desert, the many-hued waters of the great rivers…. Over 500 photographs, taken from an aircraft over the course of a far-ranging photo-reportage project, add brilliant illustration to a book never compiled before: one dedicated to the radiant light and clear skies of the African continent. The volume’s album-style format enhances the panoramic quality of the images; concise, informative texts accompany and explain them, enhancing Africa through the gift of a magical new dimension.
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Информация за книгата:
Издател: White Star
English Language Books
Година: 2006
Страници: 640
ISBN: 9788854401075
Баркод: 9788854401075
Размер: 23.00x16.50 см.
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