500 Photoshop Hints, Tips and Techniques
"500 Photoshop Hints, Tips and Techniques" carries on the highly successful "500" series, incorporating the same combination of information and inspiration that has made the series so popular. The book does exactly what it says on the cover, providing the reader with 500 useful, original and inspirational techniques to allow them to attain a greater level of proficiency when working with Photoshop. The book covers tips from the basics, such as how to import images from the camera, to the more advanced, such as how to restore old photographs and create slide shows, DVDs and web pages. Throughout the book, professional full-colour images accompany the tips and hints to provide an attractive as well as informative product. "500 Photoshop Hints, Tips and Techniques" will prove a hit with anyone hoping to explore and advance their Photoshop skills through its attractive, tried-and-tested format.
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